The New Hampshire
Orchid Society

Grant Application

NHOS Education & Conservation Committee:     The New Hampshire Orchid Society has a formalized Conservation initiative with the goals of supporting orchid conservation locally, regionally, and globally.    The current Conservation & Education Grant Committee includes Jean Stefanik, Chair send me emails; , George Newman, Anita Walker, Chuck Anderson, Andrea Deachman and Carl Bascom.

1.  Developed and promoted the concept of a separate line item, income and expenses, for a dedicated Conservation Fund within the NHOS budget.   Monies donated or raised which are earmarked for conservation will be deposited into this account and will continue to accrue, carrying over annually into subsequent years when not spent.   So far the major sources of funding this include the generous bequest of (recently deceased) Ovid Slavin,  donations at the conservation display at our annual show, and proceeds of mini-sales at monthly meetings of divisions of donated plants.

2.  Development of application and approval process for Grants program and protocol whereby individuals and groups may request funds from the Conservation Fund.   Applications will be previewed byt he Conservation Commmittee, with final approval by the full NHOS Board.

Grant Application Process

 The New Hampshire Orchid Society Conservation Committee is pleased to announce our  Grant Program.   This program is intended to provide funds for creative projects directly involved with and benefiting the broad mission of Orchid Conservation, which shall be the greatest consideration for funding decisions.     This is an opportunity for both individuals and organizations to be specific in requesting funds. 

Membership in NHOS is not required,  but NHOS members will be given a higher priority.   Range of grant monies is from $100 - $900.   Grants shall be one-time per project awards.   This grant process is specifically NOTto be used to cover speaker or attendee expenses at conferences or gatherings, or nor any travel expenses.   Requests must be specific;  “general funding” within a much larger project will not be awarded.

Application Deadline:  Ongoing applications are accepted 

Award decisions made by the Grant Committee (including NHOS Board Members) shall be final, and applicants will be notified within 60 days of the receipt of the completed application.    The Committee reserves the right to modify amounts awarded, request clarification/modifications,  and to decline funding for any reason. 

 Application Requirements

1.  Cover sheet with a maximum 100-word synopsis of request.  Please also include all appropriate contact information.  Please include how and to whom payment should be made if the grant is awarded.   This is especially important for international awards.

2.  A maximum one-page detailed statement of your project including specific needs and the project’s plan to address those needs. These shall show relationship/relevance to the orchid conservation and the mission of  NHOS

3.  A maximum one-page budget / disclosure of how the entire project will be funded, and the specific role/s of NHOS funds. What specifically, would NOT be accomplished if the grant were not awarded?

4.  At least two written recommendations for the project from someone not directly involved in the project attesting to the relevance of the project and the qualifications of the applicant.

5.  A maximum one-page statement of how the applicant will report / inform the NHOS membership of the project’s completion and impact, including specifically how the grant monies were spent.   This could include a talk at a meeting or show, written report, photo essay, etc. depending on the project, and shall be scheduled and completed within 1 year of receiving the grant unless granted an extension by NHOS.

You MAY apply by email, OR by postal mail (5 copies of the Application and reference letters) to:      
NHOS Grants Committee
c/o Jean Stefanik, NHOS Conservation Chair
285 Beaver St.
Manchester, NH 03104

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